Best Car Commercials From The 2021 Super Bowl

Some people sat down on Sunday to watch the nail-biting game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Others turned on their TV to enjoy the many hilarious commercials. No matter what you did on Sunday, we don't want you to miss out on the best car commercials from this year's Super Bowl! Keep reading to watch all of the best car commercials and let us know which one was your favorite!


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If you are a big fan of the car commercials during the Super Bowl like we are, you might have noticed that this year was a little different. There were quite a bit fewer car-related ads than there normally are and some of the big auto manufacturers like Kia and Hyundai didn't have commercials this year. This was similar for other popular non-car related companies like Budweiser, Coke, and Pepsi. Another unique distinction with this year's ads is that the ratio of funny ads to emotional ads wasn't as even as it normally is. This is probably due to the fact that the past year has been a struggle for so many Americans due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, so it is to be expected that the ads will take on a different tone.

With that said, there were still plenty of humorous ads as you will see in our list. So take a look at all the best car commercials as well as some of our favorite car-related commercials and see what we have to say about each one!

To check out our thoughts regarding last year's best car-related Super Bowl commercials, click here!

Cadillac's "Edgar Scissorhands"

This humorous commercial for Cadillac's All-Electric Cadillac LYRIQ is a great parody of Tim Burton's "Edward Scissorhands." It show's Edgar's struggle with day-to-day life, ending in a heart-warming, happy ending as he is gifted the Cadillac LYRIQ, an SUV that has hands-free features, by his mother. Although this vehicle isn't going to be released until 2022, this commercial has definitely sparked an interest in many people.

Jeep's "The Middle"

This poetic and powerful commercial by Jeep is focused more on uniting the divide between the country rather than on selling their newest model. The plot of the commercial revolves around a small chapel in Lebanon, Kansas, where it sits in the middle of the Lower 48. Not to mention that this commercial includes the appearance of Bruce Springsteen after nearly six decades!

Ford's "Finish Strong"

Rather than focusing on selling their newest models, Ford has also opted to speak directly to Americans about the COVID-19 pandemic. Ford encourages Americans to #FinishStrong by announcing their initiative to provide PPE to various communities. This tribute to struggling Americans will definitely tug at your heartstrings!

General Motor's "No Way Norway"

This is another humorous commercial, and how could it not be funny with comedian, Will Ferrel? There is almost a competitive tone as Will Ferrel tries to get others to rally against Norway in the race to buy more electric cars. With this commercial, we get another look at Cadillac's LYRIQ. More guest appearances from Kenan Thompson and Awkwafina also help to make this hilarious skit a fan favorite.

Toyota's "Jessica Long's Story"

If one commercial could encompass the word "tear-jerker," Toyota's "Jessica Long's Story" would be it! This heart-warming, emotional commercial describes Olympic Swimmer, Jessica Long's story of adoption. Again, this commercial takes the focus away from Toyota's newest model and tells us that there is hope. The reward for life's challenges will be great.

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Vroom's Dealership Pain

Vroom, an app for buying cars, didn't seem to get the memo about heart-warming and hopeful commercials. This slightly dark, yet relieving commercial shows the pain associated with shopping for cars at a dealership. While it does stray away from the fairly uniform tone of commercials in this year's Super Bowl, it is a bit refreshing to get a variety of different commercials and it definitely stands out from the rest.

Here at Wrench, we know all about the stress and hassle that goes into visiting the dealership. If you are in need of a more convenient way to get your car repaired, book an appointment with our qualified mobile mechanics. Our mobile mechanics will come to your location so you can spend your time and energy on the things that matter most to you!

Weather Tech's "Family"

This commercial from Weather Tech showcases employee testimonials on why they enjoy working for the company. Like many of the other patriotic commercials that are displayed during the Super Bowl, Weather Tech runs with their Made In The USA products and shows that kind of group-effort and togetherness that can be found in other popular commercials.

Weather Tech's "We Never Left"

Because one commercial isn't enough, Weather Tech provided a second short commercial advertising their products. Similar to the first commercial, it showcased the words of their employees. However, this commercial was more focused on the fact that they provide jobs to those in the USA and haven't shipped their efforts overseas.

Car Max

CarMax's commercial is a fairly standard advertisement for their used-car company. "A lot can change in a month," the speaker states. And isn't that the truth! While this commercial is fairly standard, it isn't either great or awful. Take a look and see what you think!

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Fast And Furious 9 Trailer

This 30-second teaser trailer has surely gotten Fast And Furious fans excited for the 9th film in this thrilling saga. The trailer is packed full of adventure and crazy stunts, so take a look and you will be on the edge of your seat until it gets released on May 28th!

As you can tell from these car commercials and even the actual game itself, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many lives. Here at Wrench, we are committed to keeping our customers and technicians safe at all times. That's why we have added safety measures to our services to ensure the safety of our customers and employees. Wrench will keep your car on the road, even when times are tough. Don't let the pandemic get in the way of necessary auto repair services, book an appointment with Wrench today!

To learn more about what Wrench is doing to ensure the safety of our customers during the Coronavirus Pandemic, click here!


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