Car Care Habits To Include In Your New Years Resolutions

As we roll into the new year, 2021, you might be deciding how you want to improve your habits and lifestyles. 2021 can be a fresh start, but you need to take your resolutions seriously. In order to stick to your resolutions, you should make small changes that are realistic. When it comes to resolutions, many people choose to change their exercise habits, eating habits, or even cleaning habits! Your car can be easily overlooked, so we have made a small list of easy changes you can make that will benefit your car!


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Resolutions That Benefit Your Car

  1. Check and Change Your Oil Regularly
    Getting your oil changed, no matter what year it is, is very important in maintaining the health of your car. In 2020, many car owners decided to forgo their oil-changing routine, but when it comes to the question of, "Should I get my oil changed even though we are in a pandemic?" The answer is always "Yes!"

    It's no secret that your car needs to have its oil checked every once and a while. Almost every car owner knows that it is important, but it might benefit you to learn how to check your oil yourself. If you want to learn more about how to check your oil yourself or how to determine if your car needs an oil change, click here!

    However, if you don't want to take on that task, there are a lot of options so you can check this item off your list. Here at Wrench, we offer many mobile services, including oil changes! If you book any appointment with us, feel free to ask our mobile mechanic to check your oil to see if it is time to get your oil changed. If you already know you need an oil change, book an appointment here!
  2. Learn How To Jumpstart A Car
    Knowing how to jumpstart a car on your own is a very important skill. Many people don't think about learning how to jump start their own car until they have gotten themselves in a tough situation. Luckily for you, we have written a blog post about how to jumpstart your car, so you can read more into the steps you need to take. In order to jumpstart your car, you will need to purchase jumper cables and we recommend keeping them in your car in case of emergencies!
  3. Keep Your Car Clean And Tidy
    While you may have participated in our spring cleaning recommendations, cleaning your car in the winter is just as important! The harsh weather like snow and ice can cause a lot of exterior damage, so you want to ensure that your car is clean on the outside as well as the inside. Make sure you give the interior a good scrub and get in all the tiny cracks and crevices that you might overlook in your regular car cleaning routine.
  4. Follow A General Maintenance Schedule
    Along with finding an oil changing schedule that works for you, we also recommend having a general maintenance schedule that includes all of the things that need to be checked at least once a year. In your maintenance schedule, you should include checking your tires, motor oil, transmission fluid, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and your windshield wiper fluid. If you need help creating a maintenance schedule, book an appointment with our mobile mechanics and we will let you know how often you need to check various parts in your vehicle.
  5. Decide If It's Time To Upgrade Your Car
    While we recommend staying on top of your vehicle's maintenance schedule, there is a point in which trying to care for a vehicle is more work than getting a new one. If you own an old vehicle, it might be time to purchase a new one! If you aren't looking for a brand new car and would rather settle for a used vehicle, then you are in luck! With Wrench's acquisition of Lemon Squad, we are providing detailed used car inspection services. To book an appointment with Lemon Squad, click here!
  6. Drive Safe!
    Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. In order to make sure you are safe when you are on the road, we urge you to put your phone away when you are behind the wheel. Distracted driving is not just texting and driving, but there are many other forms such as:
  • Reaching for something in the passenger seat
  • Changing the music or changing the volume
  • Checking your car or phone's GPS
  • Taking a Snapchat or photo
  • Checking your social media notifications
  • Eating food or drinking a beverage
  • Putting on makeup, brushing your hair, or using hand sanitizer

    Make it a goal to reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by focusing on the road. At Wrench, we want all of our customers to be safe and healthy. So put your phone away and keep yourself alert!

Finally, we recommend taking car of any auto repair or maintenance services that you have been putting off. In order to get a clean slate, you want to start the year off with a car that is in good condition. If you need to book an appointment to get your vehicle repaired or maintained, book an appointment with Wrench's mobile mechanics. While our mechanics are working on your car, you will be able to tackle some of your other New Years Resolutions. Book a convenient auto repair appointment with Wrench today!


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