Fall Car Maintenance Tips

When the seasons change, you should get your car prepared for changing weather conditions. Depending on where you live, these changes may be more drastic, making your fall car maintenance services even more important. In the fall, many places begin to see a lot of rainy, cold weather. Whether it's rain or ice on the road, you should prepare for the harshest weather. With Wrench, your fall car maintenance services can be quick and convenient. Book your appointment online and our mobile mechanic will come to you!


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Fall Maintenance Checklist

  • Check Tire Tread
    If your town gets rainy in the fall, it is a good idea to check your tire tread. Bald tires can be dangerous, especially on wet roads. You can have our mobile mechanics check your tire tread to see if you need new tires, or you can perform the penny test at home.
    To do the penny test, simply insert a penny into the grooves of your tire tread with Lincoln's head facing down. If you can see Lincoln's whole head, you need to get new tires because the tread isn't deep enough to keep you safe on the road. If you need a tire change service, hire a Wrench mobile mechanic to get the most convenience possible.
  • Check Lights
    In the fall, it will start getting dark earlier and earlier. So you may find yourself out and about in the dark more often. Keep yourself safe and make sure all of your lights are working properly.
    One way to check them is to have a friend stand in front of your car. Turn on your headlights, brights, and blinkers. Then have the friend go behind your car and do it again. You should also test out your hazard lights to make sure they are working as well. If any lights don't turn on, book an appointment with Wrench! We will get them fixed so you can see others and others can see you!
  • Check Fluid Levels
    You may not think to check your fluid levels but it is very important! For example, falling leaves could hit your windshield, making it dirty and hard to see. Then you would want to turn on your windshield wipers, but if you are out of fluid, you might struggle to see until you can get it refilled. It is important to be proactive and top off your fluids before you run out and they become a big issue.
  • Wash Car
    Although it is inevitable that your car will collect dirt, mud, and leaves in the fall, you should start the season off right. Be sure to clean both the interior and exterior of your car. Throughout the season, it is a good idea to periodically get your car cleaned to protect the paint or prevent mold.
  • Check Heater and Defroster
    In the fall, it will get colder and colder as the days progress. So before the colder months come, make sure your heater and defroster are working properly. If you find that it makes a weird noise or doesn't turn on at all, schedule an appointment with a Wrench mobile mechanic as soon as possible. We will get it up and running quickly so you don't have to freeze.
  • Check Battery
    Extreme weather temperatures can be very harsh on your car battery, so when fall hits, make sure it is still good to go. A failing battery may not show signs, so stay on top of it. If your battery is very old, you may want to consider replacing it before serious issues arise. If you check your battery yourself, make sure everything is clean and there is no corrosion. If you are unsure whether you need a new battery or not, book an appointment with one of our professional mobile mechanics.
  • Check Brakes
    If your brakes aren't working well, adding the rainy fall season can be an accident just waiting to happen. In order to stay safe, you'll want to check your brakes before fall hits. Our mobile mechanics are trained to solve all of your brake issues, so book your appointment today!
  • Replenish Emergency Kit
    If you already have an emergency kit in your car, that's great! However, you may want to consider adding a couple items due to the change of seasons. A few ideas to add might be road salt, extra warm blankets, or an ice scraper. If you don't have an emergency kit yet. We highly recommend making on or buying one online. They could be life saving in an emergency situation, and you never know when disaster will hit.

Our mobile mechanics can't wait to take a look at your vehicle! Get ready for the fun of fall by taking care of your car. Book your convenient maintenance service today and you won't have to visit the shop ever again.


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