5 Ways to Simplify Your Life in the New Year

Life can get busy and complicated really fast! That's why it is important to make your routines as simple as possible. By cutting back on unnecessary stressors and staying focused on the things that matter to you, you can make this year one to remember. From stay-at-home parents to working CEO's, everyone can benefit from our tips to keep your year as stress-free as possible!


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Clean Out Your House

This may seem like a daunting task, but if you break it down and do it one day at a time, your future self will be extremely grateful. Go through all the drawers and cabinets, even visit your attic! Think to yourself, "Do I need this? Does this make me happy? When was the last time I thought about this or used this?" It might take some time, but even if you only get around to a couple rooms in your house, you will definitely feel a weight lifted off your chest. Not only will your house look cleaner, but it will be a lot more organized!

Drive More Slowly

Many people have busy lives and not enough time in their day. However, rushing through traffic only makes you stressed out. Driving recklessly could even cost you your life. So, next time you are in a rush to get somewhere, take a few deep breaths and relax. You are getting there as fast as you can with the given circumstances, but speeding and honking at others might end up taking more of your time if you happen to get pulled over.

Exercise More Often

If you have a busy schedule, it might be difficult to fit in time to move around. However, exercising will positively impact many other aspects of your life. If you are able to work out in the mornings, you will feel accomplished early in the day. It's kind of like making your bed in the morning. Once you finish that, you will be able to start your day and tackle one obstacle at a time. Morning work outs will also make you feel more energized during the day! Even if you only have 20 minutes, any type of movement is better than none. Try taking a brisk walk, jog, or hit the gym!

Get Off Your Phone

This can be a really hard thing to do, especially nowadays when the internet and media have been so tightly entangled in our own personal lives. But taking a break from your phone every now and then can reduce so much stress. It's worth it to try it, even if you only do it once a year. Maybe start small. Go 24 hours without looking at technology. If you work with computers or phones, try this on a weekend. Live in the moment and go with the flow. Whenever you begin to feel bored, find something to do. You can walk to a friends house, clean up a bit, cook yourself a meal, just do something to distract you from the absence of technology. It will give to a chance to finally destress and recharge!


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