How Cold Weather Affects Your Car

As the winter months approach and the temperature drops, you may notice some changes in the way your car operates. Although this is usually normal, it is important to be aware of the impacts of cold weather so that you can prepare accordingly. At Wrench, your safety is our top priority, so if you notice anything unusual that is negatively impacting your ability to drive, schedule an appointment with Wrench immediately. One of our highly skilled mobile mechanics will come to your preferred location and get your car running like new in no time so you do not have to worry about feeling unsafe on the road. Especially if you are new to an area that gets extremely cold in the winter, stick around to learn how cold weather affects your car and how you can take the necessary precautions. If you have noticed any issues with your car or if you are behind on regular maintenance, now is a great time to schedule an appointment with a Wrench mobile mechanic, who will repair your car and get you back on the road in no time.


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  • Cold weather puts the battery at risk. Anything lower than 32 degrees can cause issues for your engine in terms of performance. If you sense the weather dropping, it is a good idea to start your car and let the engine run idle for a couple minutes to ensure that everything is working properly. We also recommend keeping the connections clean and tight and consider investing in a battery warmer if you live in an especially cold climate. If you have any problems, a Wrench mechanic would be happy to come out to your house and conduct a full engine check to determine the cause of the issue.
  • Tires inflation issues. Fluctuating temperatures have impacts on the level of inflation in tires, which makes it extremely important that you check your tire pressure frequently as it starts to get colder. Underinflated tires can be problematic especially in wet conditions because this can cause more sliding than usual. For more information on tire pressure in cold weather, click here. The Wrench blog has lots of great posts about how to best prepare your car for the winter.
  • Fluids thickening. When the temperature drops, the fluids in your car will thicken, which can affect vehicle performance if the consistency changes too much. While this can happen to the transmission fluid, antifreeze, and wiper fluid, the oil is the most dangerous one because thick oil can cause engine problems. Switching to a low-viscosity oil, like a fully synthetic oil, will help avoid any oil thickening issues that may arise. At Wrench, we use fully synthetic oil in all of our oil changes, so schedule an appointment with us today if you sense that the weather in your area is only getting colder. It is extremely important that you get your oil changed if your car is due for one, as this is the most important thing you can do to protect your engine this winter.
  • Frozen fuel lines. Water moisture in the fuel lines can become icy, which is dangerous if you are running on low fuel because it can cause clogging in the fuel pickup. As a general rule of thumb, but especially during the winter, we recommend having at least a tank of gas at all times to avoid any issues with icy fuel lines. You also do not want to find yourself in the unfortunate event of running out of gas in the middle of winter, so top off the gas tank whenever you can.
  • Frozen windshield wipers. Cold temperatures can also cause your windshield wipers to freeze, which can be dangerous during times when visibility is more important than ever. It can be frustrating to wait for your windshield to defrost in the morning when you are in a rush, but the last thing you want to do is risk damaging your windshield wipers. There are various methods you can use to defrost windshield wipers and Wrench is here to help! You might consider tilting your windshield wipers up or even taking them off if you know it is going to get extremely cold overnight.

We hope you now have a better understanding of how cold weather affects your car and how you can make sure that this does not impact your car’s drivability. This time of year is more important than ever to drive safely and get your car inspected by a Wrench mobile mechanic if you sense any issues, because the last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road in the middle of winter. At Wrench, we strive to bring an unmatched level of customer service and convenience to all of our customers, so join the Wrench family today! If you have any other questions about our services or using Wrench during a global pandemic, feel free to talk to our customer service team through email, at, or by phone, at 844-997-3624.


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