How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Car

Here at Wrench, we want to keep you and your loved ones safe! If your pet is a passenger in your vehicle, we have some tips to keeping them as safe as possible! If you have and safety issues concerning your vehicle, book a convenient auto repair or maintenance appointment with one of Wrench’s qualified mobile mechanics! While we fix up your ride, you will be able to spend time with your pet whether that means going for a walk, hanging out at the beach, or cuddling on your couch!


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  1. Teach Them Young
    When you get a pet that you may take on car rides in the future, we recommend bringing your pet with you on short drives when they are young so they can get used to being in a car. If you take your pet on a longer drive without allowing them to be used to traveling in a car, they may get very scared or excited. A calm pet is a safer pet!
  2. Take Breaks on Long Drives
    If you plan on going for a long drive, be sure to stop and take breaks! Let your pet out to go to the bathroom or offer your pet a treat or water. Just because you are in the car, it shouldn’t be an excuse to ignore your pet. This will keep your pet calm throughout the drive and prevent accidents.
  3. Keep the Temperature Low
    Make sure your car is well ventilated. You could crack open the window a little or turn on the AC. If your AC system is broken, be sure to contact a mobile mechanic from Wrench and get that fixed before you take your pet out for a drive. If your pet gets overheated in your car, it could become sick or even die if it is left in the heat for too long.
  4. Stay With Them at All Times
    Don’t ever leave your pet in the vehicle alone. Even if you crack open the window, your pet can get overheated. If you have to take a break from driving, you can bet that your pet does too so take them with you. Also if you plan on driving somewhere that your pet can’t go, leave them at home! You’d rather be safe than sorry!
  5. Don’t Let Your Dogs Stick Their Head Out the Window
    We all know dogs love to stick their heads out of the window of a moving car, but this is extremely dangerous! Your pet could get hit by flying objects or get seriously injured in other ways. To keep your pet as safe as possible, keep the window rolled up all the way or crack your window open just a little.
  6. Keep them in a Crate
    We recommend that you keep your pet restrained for their safety and your own! If you get in an accident, a loose pet could injure you and any other passengers in your car. There are many ways you can keep your pet restrained such as pet seat belts, harnesses, and crates. When shopping around for these safety features, make sure they are crash tested so you know it will actually help your pet in case of an accident. If you do end up using these add ons, make sure your pet is never in the front seat! The air bags could seriously injure or even kill your pet. The back seat is always the safest place for your pet.

If your car breaks down or is showing signs of a potential break down in the near future, you need to get that checked out by one of our ASE-certified mobile mechanics as soon as possible. Many issues can put you and you pet in danger's path while you are on the road such as steering and suspension issues or failing brakes. In order to keep you and your pet on the road, you need to ensure that your car is working properly at all times. Go ahead and book an appointment with our mobile mechanics today and you will get the peace of mind that you and your pet truly deserve.


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