Important Tips For New Drivers

Whether you are getting your drivers license at 16 or an older age, there are many things for you to learn about cars and driving. Getting your license is an exciting time, and especially for the younger crowd, as it can give you more freedom and independence. With all exciting things, it can be very easy to get swept away in all the chaos and forget the basics. That's why we have created a list of essential tips for new drivers!


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Why Is A Drivers License Exciting?

There are so many reasons why people get excited to get a drivers license. Moments like having your first drive all alone or driving to school or work for the first time are some of the moments we never forget. The freedom of being able to go wherever you want at any time is also a really good feeling. Listed below are just a few of the things that new drivers can look forward to:

  • The First Drive Alone
  • Driving To School For The First Time
  • Picking Up A Friend Or Sibling For The First Time
  • Going To Hang Out With Friends Without Having To Bother Your Parents
  • Going To A Shopping Mall Alone
  • Going On Your First Road Trip
  • Teaching A Younger Friend Or Sibling How To Drive
  • And More!

But getting a drivers license is a privilege and a responsibility, so you need to make sure that you do everything in your power to be the best driver out there. Being a good driver has a lot of benefits. It will save you money as you will avoid costly damages and expensive traffic violation tickets.

How To Become A Good Driver

  1. Get To Know Your Vehicle
    When you first get into the car you are going to drive, whether it is your own or someone else's, you want to take a couple minutes to get to know the vehicle. Make sure you know where all the buttons are. Windshield wipers, check. Blinkers, Check. Defrosters, check! You also want to make sure that the vehicle is perfectly adjusted to your height. Change the positions of the chairs or even the steering wheel, then make sure you can see out of all the mirrors. If this is your own vehicle, make sure you spend some time looking at the dashboard lights as well. When they are illuminated, they could be signaling a problem so make sure you know what they mean before you find yourself in a tough situation.

    Some cars are easier to handle than others. If you are looking to buy a vehicle for yourself, make sure you do some research so that you can find the perfect vehicle for you. We have created a list of the best cars for new driver, so if you are interested in learning more about the vehicles we recommend, click here! Owning your own car can be a daunting and exciting thing as well! To help new car owners get some peace of mind, we have also created a list of tips for new car owners. Take a look at our other blog posts for more tips and tricks regarding your new purchase!
  2. Take Driving Courses
    Taking a class to learn how to drive can make you a safer driver because you know exactly what you are doing and how to handle unpleasant situations. All over the country, there are many places that you can sign up for a class, whether it be online or in-person. We recommend taking a driving course if you are learning how to drive, if you haven't already, so you can be very prepared for you driving exam!
  3. Watch Your Blind Spots
    While your side and rearview mirrors are very important and you need to be checking them constantly, there are areas that aren't visible which are called your blind spots. Before you change lanes, you should always turn your head just past your shoulder to get a better look.

    Nowadays, some cars have blind spot sensors. You will see an illuminated dot on your side mirrors if there is a car in your blind spot. There are also attachments you can get so you can see your blind spots in your side mirrors.
  4. Don't Tailgate Others
    When you are driving, you need to be somewhat courteous to others. Tailgating, or driving too close to the car in front of you, is not only rude, but it is also very dangerous. The person in front of you could slam on their brakes and you won't have enough time to stop your own car, resulting in a collision. Tailgating others can also lead to road rage, which is when one or more drivers get very angry and make danger driving choices. If someone ahead of you is driving slow, calmly pass them if possible. If you can't pass the person, take a deep breath.
    Sometimes people have good reasons for driving slower. For example, the person may have an issue with their vehicle or might have an ill passenger. Maybe the person is driving breakable objects and is trying to be extra careful. Or maybe the weather conditions are bad! There are a lot of reasons to drive slow, so be calm and compassionate and wait until you can pass the person ahead of you in a safe manner.
  5. Keep Your Eyes On The Road
    When you are driving, you want to get rid of as many distractions as you can. Whether you have a bunch of friends in your car, a ringing cell phone, or a variety of other distractions, you want to make sure you stay focused on the road in front of you. Cars could stop suddenly or you could miss a stop sign, resulting in an accident. To stay as safe as possible, we recommend putting your cell phone away and keeping your attention on your surroundings.
  6. Get Lots Of Practice
    Practice makes perfect, right? And when we tell you to practice, we don't mean spending hours in a parking lot, going in circles to perfect your starts and stops. You should practice on the road with other cars and real driving conditions. Work your way up from the parking lot, to a low traffic street, to a highway. This real world experience will be very important and eventually you will learn how to park and change lanes smoothly. You will learn how to put enough pressure on the brakes and gas to give you and your passengers a smoother ride. You will learn how to drive around others and ensure your safety. All of it is very important, and when you are driving all by yourself, you will become more confident in your new skills!
  7. Always Use Your Blinkers
    When you are turning, you should always use your blinkers. It is important to get into the habit of using your blinkers, so you should even use them if you think nobody is around. Your blinkers help you communicate with others around you so that you can avoid accidents or collisions.
  8. Don't Drink And Drive! Ever.
    There is absolutely no excuse to drink and drive. Driving while intoxicated is incredibly dangerous and could kill you, your passengers, or even others on the road. If you are under the age of 21, you shouldn't be drinking at all. But if you are of the legal drinking age, you should always be careful not to drive while intoxicated. If you are ever unsure if you are able to drive, get an Uber or a taxi! It's better to be safe than sorry, so put your health and safety first!
  9. Try Not To Speed
    We all know one person that has a lead foot. They get in their car, and whether they do it on accident or on purpose, they press down a little too hard on the gas pedal and end up going way over the speed limit. When you are driving, especially for new drivers, you want to keep an eye on your speedometer to make sure you aren't going over the speed limit. If you are speeding, you might get pulled over and receive a ticket. You could also lose control of your vehicle and get into a nasty accident. It's always better to stay safe on the road, even if you are running a bit late!
  10. Get An Emergency Kit For Your Vehicle
    If you don't want to put much thought or effort into this one, you can easily buy an emergency kit from your car. However, if you'd like to know exactly what you have in case of an emergency, you can make your own emergency kit with all the tools you need to keep yourself safe. To learn more about how you can build your own car emergency kit and what we recommend in an emergency kit, click here!
  11. Make Note Of The Weather Conditions
    Before you get into your car, you should always check the weather. If you are a new driver, you want to be very careful when driving in extreme weather conditions like snow, hail, or rain. These weather conditions can make it dangerous on the road, so you need to know what to expect. If you are uncomfortable driving in extreme weather conditions, feel free to wait until the weather clears up. Luckily we have created a list of driving tips for driving in cold weather as well as driving in the heat. Make sure to do your research and be informed on the dangers of driving in extreme weather conditions.
  12. Stay On Top Of Your Car's Maintenance
    Whether you are a new driver or an experienced driver, staying on top of your vehicles routine maintenance schedule is very important. Routine services like oil changes and tire rotations are essential in keeping your vehicle on the street. If you put your vehicle maintenance services off for too long, you could find yourself dealing with costly damages in the future.

    To book a convenient maintenance service appointment with Wrench's skilled mobile mechanics, click here. Our mobile mechanics will come to any location of your choice such as your home, school, or office and perform the necessary maintenance services on site. This means you won't have to bring your car to a shop and wait for hours until your car is done. While we work on your car, you will be able to do other things like play video games inside the comfort of your own home, watch the latest Netflix TV show, or work on some projects!

What To Do When Your Car Breaks Down

If your car breaks down unexpectedly, don't panic. Depending on what the issue is, you might need to get some help from a qualified professional. Luckily Wrench's mobile mechanics are here to help you! We have professionals all over the country that will come to your location, take a look at your vehicle, and fix it on-site. All you need to do is book an appointment with us! If you have any questions or concerns about your vehicle or the services we offer, email us at or give us a call at 844-997-3624. Our friendly customer service team will be more than happy to give you a hand!


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