Maintenance Services Best Left to a Mechanic

Some people try to fix systems in their car themselves when it breaks. With some general knowledge and basic tools, that might be okay. But there are some repairs that you should never do yourself. They could be dangerous or maybe they require specialized knowledge or uncommon household tools.


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Our mobile mechanics at Wrench are trained an certified to perform these services and while you might think it's easier to do it yourself, you could be causing more damage to your car. Our maintenance and auto repair services are easy to book and convenient to get. We bring our tools and knowledge to your location so you can continue with you usual routine.

Maintenance Services You Shouldn't DIY

  1. Transmission Repairs
    Your vehicle's transmission is a very important part. Without it, your vehicle wouldn't run. It is also full of many tiny parts, and each one has a huge role. So unless you have gotten specific training on it, you should leave it to a professional. One wrong move could completely ruin the whole system, costing way more than it would to have a mechanic deal with it in the first place.
  2. Timing Belt Repairs
    The timing belt in your car should only need to be repairs once or so in your vehicle's lifetime, and the belt is fragile. Since it is so easy to break, you need to know exactly what you are doing when you go to repair it. If you end up damaging it could cost up to four times more than the price to have a professional repair it.
  3. Air Bag Replacement or Repairs
    Your air bag is a life saving feature and if it needs any sort of service, a replacement or repair, you shouldn't risk your life by trying to do it yourself. If you make a wrong move, it could cost you your life down the road. There is no price that is worth avoiding when you are putting your life at risk.
  4. Dashboard Messages
    Dashboard messages aren't always easy to decode. Often times, people will see a light pop up and they decide to handle it themselves. However if you mess with something that doesn't need to be fixed, you could accidentally break that part too. Then you will need two services instead of just one.
  5. Suspension and Steering Repairs
    Driving on bumpy roads can take a toll on your suspension and steering systems, so when you need a repair, you really want to get it done right the first time. If you attempt to do this repair yourself, it could go wrong and even damage other important systems in your car.
  6. Cooling System Repairs
    If you need a repair for anything in your cooling system, you should hire a professional mechanic to get the job done. Even in the auto repair industry, these services are left to the most skilled and experienced mechanics.
  7. Electrical Work
    For all sorts of electrical work, you want to hire a professional. Whether it's your car, house, boat, or something else, you want it done right. One wrong move could result in frying your whole electrical system. You could even get shocked by making a wrong move. So when it comes to your car, hire one of our mobile mechanics and this will be the most convenient and quick service you've ever had.
  8. Brake Rotor Repairs
    Your brake pads are fairly simple to replace, and with some general auto repair knowledge, you could get by doing it yourself. However, the brake rotors are a completely different story. They require extensive knowledge and skills, so leave it to a professional.
  9. Windshield or Window Replacements
    If you get a large crack in your windshield, you should get it replaced. One small rock hitting your windshield could cause it to shatter. Not only would that be a scary experience, but it would be extremely dangerous as well. Instead of trying to repair any glass on your car yourself, you should hire a Wrench mobile mechanic to get the job done. Our mechanics are skilled and reliable, perfect for the job you need to get done.


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