Post Road Trip Recovery Maintenance

After a long summer road trip, you may be a little worn out, the same goes for your car. Driving long distances can take a toll on your car unless you take good care of it when you get back. Without having these maintenance services, it could shorten the lifespan of your vehicle, negatively affect it's performance abilities, and more. However, there is good news! You can hire a mobile mechanic from Wrench and we will come to you with all of the tools necessary to solve all of your auto repair issues. To book an appointment with us, just visit our website and fill out our online form!


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  1. Clean the Interior
    When you get back from your road trip, you want to make sure to deep clean the interior of your car. Make sure you wipe down the hard surfaces and vacuum the floors. You want to be sure to get out all of the crumbs and food wrappers so you don't attract any animals. Also, take out the floor mats and get them extra clean before you put them back in your car to prevent mold.
  2. Clean the Exterior
    You should take care of the exterior so that you don't ruin the paint. It is common to find dead bugs on your windshield and car body after a long road trip, you should make sure to clean them off. If dead bugs stay on your car body, overtime they could ruin the paint job. You should also clean the windows, mirrors, and headlights. These parts of your car may need it more than others after a long trip.
  3. Check the Tires
    Check the tires for both the pressure and the tread. You want to make sure the tire pressure is in the appropriate range, and if you need more air pressure, have a mobile mechanic do that for you. You can check your tire tread at home with a penny! Just put the penny in the tire tread with Lincoln's head facing down. If you can see Lincoln's whole head, you need to get your tires replaced, so book an appointment with one of our mobile mechanics.
  4. Top Off the Fluids
    After a long road trip, your car may have used up a lot of it's fluids, so be sure to add more! You should check the fluid levels of your windshield wiper fluid, transmission fluid, and more!
  5. Get an Oil Change
    Along with checking the fluids, you should also keep an eye out for your oil levels. Depending on how long your road trip was, you might need to get your oil changed as soon as you get home. Even if you think you aren't due for a long time, it's better to be safe than sorry. When your vehicle begins to have issues due to your oil, it could cause serious damage to your vehicle.
  6. Replenish the Emergency Kit
    If you used anything in your emergency kit during your road trip, you should replace it! For example, make sure it is always stocked with water bottles, snacks, and other things that you felt were important in case of an emergency. You wouldn't want to be stuck in your next emergency without all of the items.
  7. Change the Windshield Wiper Blades
    You also want to change your windshield wiper blades when you get home. Luckily, they are not expensive and are quick to change. If you don't have the time to get it done yourself or don't know how, book an appointment with our mobile mechanics at Wrench!
  8. Test the Brakes
    Your brakes are a very important safety feature in your car and if they aren't working properly, you could get in an accident. If you notice and vibrations or squeaking coming from your brakes, you need to book an appointment with one of our mobile mechanics right away! We will come to you and get them working again so you don't have to worry about your brakes.
  9. Get a General Diagnostic Check
    If you notice anything off about your car, you should get it checked out. It may be a minor issue, but it could also be very serious. Luckily, at Wrench, we make auto repairs extremely convenient by bringing our services to you! All you need to do is go to our website and fill out the form. You can pick a time and place that works best for you, and we will be there! We can't wait to get you back on the road!


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