Tips For Buying A New Car

Buying a new car is a big deal, and you want to make sure you are mentally, physically, and financially prepared. That being said, you can save a lot of money by making your current car last as long as possible. Scheduling regular check ups with a Wrench mobile mechanic will ensure that your car is in great shape for a very long time. When it is finally time to say goodbye to your beloved vehicle, Wrench has compiled tips to make the car buying process as painless as possible, while saving you time and money along the way.


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  1. Do research. Figure out what you are looking for and what features are important to you. We can guarantee that you will get overwhelmed if you walk into a dealership having no idea what you want. Recognize what you like and dislike about your current vehicle and use this information when assessing new models. Your research will make your time on site buying a car a lot easier and more efficient.
  2. Know what you can afford. Do not buy a car that is out of your price range and risk putting yourself in a situation where you cannot pay it off. A good rule of thumb is to avoid spending more than 25 perfect of your monthly income on a car, which includes all of the costs associated (insurance, gas, etc.). Factoring car insurance costs into the purchase price of your car will help you understand what you can afford to pay.
  3. Secure a financing plan before you buy. If you are planning on financing, get pre-approved for a loan before you make any payments on a car. This will help you understand what you can afford and allow you to compare interest rates. Financing at the dealership is not always the best deal you will get, so getting a pre-approved loan offer before you go is your best bet.
  4. Do not buy the first car you see. Try to avoid throwing money at the first car you like, because it might not be the best deal or the right car for you. Take your time, test drive the car, sleep on it if you have to, and then decide what you want to do. If you have figured out what car you want, either by researching online or seeing it in person, call several dealerships and compare their prices. It should be pretty obvious which one has the best deal, but you can sometimes use these prices as leverage at a different dealership.
  5. Know what you are paying for. Make sure you understand what is included in your car package and what isn’t (i.e. what you have to pay more for). You do not want to find yourself with unanticipated costs that you did not budget for. It is also a good idea to assess the other ownership costs that come with the car. For example, if you get a car with poor gas mileage, you are going to be spending more on gas. Calculate how much you will be spending on car-related costs and figure out if you can still afford the car you have your eye on.
  6. Consider buying a used car. Buying a gently used car is a great way to save money because cars start to depreciate as soon as they leave the dealership. Even a car that is a year or two old will have a much lower price tag. If you do buy a used car, be sure to get it checked out by a Wrench mobile mechanic to ensure that you are getting a fair price and that there is nothing wrong with the vehicle.
  7. Have an open mind. If you walk into a dealership with one car in mind at one specific price, there is a good chance that you will walk out unhappy. Do some good research and figure out what you like and don’t like, but try not to get too particular. You never know when a car might surprise you or when you will encounter a really great deal on a car you haven't put much thought into. This is another reason that it is so important to test drive your vehicle before you buy it, to make sure that you are happy and comfortable with the way it drives.
  8. Get the best deal for your old car. Know what your car is worth before you buy a new car so that you do not have unrealistic expectations. If you are planning on trading in your car, it can be beneficial to avoid telling the salesman this until you have gotten them down to their lowest price, because they will try to sell you the vehicle for more if they know you are doing a trade in. That being said, you will most likely get more for you vehicle if you sell it yourself, so if you have the time and resources this is a great option.
  9. Avoid buying third-party extended warranties. If you are planning on driving the car for a long time it might not be a bad idea to get an extended warranty from the vehicle manufacturer, but otherwise you probably do not need it. All new cars should come with a standard manufacturer's warranty that provides good coverage of your vehicle. Dealerships will often try to convince you that you should buy an extended warranty from them, but they are expensive and not usually worth it.

Wrench is partnering with Lemon Squad for Pre Purchase Inspections. Lemon Squad is here to help make this process as easy as possible. The right car for you is out there, it might just take a little bit of work to find it. And remember, if you decide you would rather just keep the car you have, our mobile mechanics are here to keep it running for as long as possible.


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