Why Tire Rotation Is Important

Wondering how to extend the life of your tires? Rotating them in the answer. Not only is it important to do so to maximize your safety on the road, but it can also save you a lot of money in the long run because you will not have to replace your tires as frequently. What do we mean when we say you need to rotate your tires? This means that the positions of the tires should be changed every so often, either from front to back or side to side. There are many benefits to rotating your tires and many manufacturers will do this for you for free. Tires should be rotated every 6,000-8,000 miles, even if they do not show any signs of wear. A common mistake that people will make is not rotating their tires because they do not look worn, but it is often hard to tell if the treads are uneven or how much wear they have actually sustained. It is better to be proactive when it comes to tire rotation as opposed to reactive, because it causes your car no harm to rotate the tires.


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If you think that it may be past the time where tire rotation can help extend the life of your tires and that it may be time for a whole new set, schedule an appointment with a Wrench mobile technician today. Our ASE-certified mechanics would be happy to help you in any way they can. If you think that your tires need rotating but do not know how to do it yourself, our mobile technicians are also skilled in tire rotation. At Wrench, your safety is our top priority when it comes to either tire rotation or replacement. Here are the main reasons why it is important to rotate your tires.

  • Evens out the tire treads. This is the main reason why rotating your tires is so important. Evening out the treads will extend the life of your tires and will help avoid unnecessary strain on the tires and car itself. This is especially important with newer tires because fresh treads are more susceptible to wear. The first time you rotate your tires should be before the 5,000 mile mark, and from then on you can wait a little longer.
  • Extends the life of your tires. If you do not rotate your tires, one or two will wear down more quickly (usually the back wheels), forcing you to replace all four before it may be necessary to. Although you can replace tires individually, it is much more expensive and is not possible for all types of cars. You do not want to get yourself into a position where only two of the tires need to be replaced but you are forced to buy four because of the car you drive.
  • Increases traction. Uneven wear on one or two tires can lead to worsening traction on the road, regardless of the weather conditions. This can also impact your ability to brake, which you never want to be jeopardized. You do not want to find yourself in a position where your car is not responding the way you are expecting it to when you try to break, because this could have disastrous repercussions.
  • Maximize your safety. Uneven treads can lead to the tires to not grip the road properly, which can cause you to lose control of the car more easily. This is especially true in extreme weather conditions where your tires need to have maximum traction.
  • Creates balance. Minimizing uneven tire treads also causes the car to be more balanced, which allows for the driver to have more control especially when the roads are slick
  • Avoid invalidating your warranty. Many tire manufacturers require tires to be rotated to keep their warranties valid. This is to ensure that they do not wear down much quicker than expected, forcing the manufacturer to preemptively replace them.

We hope you now have a better understanding of how and why you should rotate your tires to maximize their lifespan. If any of these tips have made you think that it is time to get your tires fully replaced, schedule an appointment with a Wrench mobile technician today. For your safety, and the safety of everyone else on the road, you should not be driving with extremely worn down tires. If you think that your ability to brake is impaired or you are having trouble maintaining control during extreme weather conditions, it is probably time for new tires. If you have further questions about how to tell when it is time for new tires, click here. If you have any other questions about our services or using Wrench during a global pandemic, feel free to talk to our customer service team through email, at hello@wrench.com, or by phone, at 844-997-3624.


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