Radiator Hose Replacement

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Learn about Radiator Hose Replacement from Wrench

Mobile Radiator Hose Replacement at Home or Office

You can book a mobile radiator hose replacement at home or office and get it done while you get on with your day. If you're lucky, you'll get some indication that there's trouble under the hood when your radiator hose starts leaking, and before it gives out. Instead of juggling your priorities to get your car to the shop, rent a car or wait, and undergo other inconveniences, there's another option. You'll avoid a major breakdown, or even a minor hassle. When your hose is repaired by a Wrench mechanic you minimize disruptions to your day. Rely on our mobile mechanic, a radiator hose replacement expert, who comes to you. It just makes sense — get the auto repair estimates you need on our Wrench website, schedule the repair and name the location, and get on with life.

What is a radiator hose replacement?

Hoses carrying coolant between the radiator and your engine age, crack or blister and eventually fail. When they do, a replacement is required.

How is a radiator hose replacement done?

The failed hose is cut and removed from the engine and radiator connections, a new hose fitted, clamps tightened, and the cooling system refilled and air pockets removed.

Symptoms that indicate you need a radiator hose replacement?

In addition to the catastrophic cloud of steam from under the hood, radiator hose problems can show as an overheating engine, pools of fluid under the car when parked, low coolant reserve levels, and visual clues such as a cracked or blistered hose.


Radiator hose replacement can be done as part of a coolant change before signs of wear appear as a periodic preventive measure to protect your investment.


In the worst case, loss of engine cooling resulting from a radiator hose failure can damage or destroy an engine.

Average cost

Radiator hoses tend to be fairly inexpensive, and labor to replace the hose and refill the system usually takes no more than an hour or two.

Can I do it myself?

This is a job where experience can considerably reduce the time it takes, and it is essential that the connections be solid to protect your engine. If you have the time or can let the car sit until you do, it is possible to do it yourself.

Safety: Can I drive without doing a radiator hose replacement?

When cracks in the hose begin to show you may have some time before a failure, but it is impossible to know how much time before you are stranded and possibly damage the engine. If there is a blister or other damage to the hose, the repair is an urgent one and driving isn't advisable.

Turn to Wrench for expert radiator hose replacement at your home or office. Contact us for an easy estimate, and protect your valuable engine.